Streaming video with ASN-TAK

AdakaR AdakaR May 27, 2022 · 1 min read
Streaming video with ASN-TAK

This guide covers the real time streaming protocol server available for use with ASN-TAK. Typical usecases for this is with drones using ATAK UAS, your cellphone camera using ATAK ICU or any other RTSP or RTMP compatible device/software feed to others in TAK.

ATAK ICU comes with the ATAK package, UAS tool can be downloaded from

If location data is streamed alongside the video the server will broadcast that, this can be very useful for knowing exactly what a drone is looking at and where, but not all clients support this. If possible TAK UAS or ICU is recommended to get the most out of your video feed.

Settings for ASN-TAK

It’s important to only stream on your assigned team, as you do not want to broadcast your location to the other side.


  • rtsp://
  • rtsp://
  • rtsp://


  • rtmp://
  • rtmp://
  • rtmp://

ASN-TAK will attempt to associate your callsigns last known location with the stream.

If your callsign does not match it will still be available in the video feed tab and location is assumed Lon/Lat 0.0.

Video demonstration of UAS in ATAK:

Videofeed seen in WinTAK:

Videofeed seen in ATAK:

Feed from simulated drone shown in ATAK on a tablet.

tak uas icu